How TQA Cloud Made a Difference for Texas Stress

When you’re running a business like Texas Stress, an industrial heat treatment company based in Houston with locations in Beaumont and Corpus Christi, you don’t have time to waste on clunky processes. The team at Texas Stress—led by Cy Rankin, their Director of Business Operations—is all about getting things done efficiently and safely. They’re in

Why TQA Cloud is the Clear Choice for Compliance in Oil, Gas, and Renewables | TQA Cloud vs ETQ Reliance

Is TQA Cloud right for you? We’re going to go head-to-head against ETQ. Let’s compare and see how TQA Cloud stacks up against ETQ Reliance. 1. Core Features TQA Cloud: Specializes in Quality Management, Health & Safety, Document Control, and Compliance Tracking. It offers targeted tools for small and mid-sized businesses in sectors like oil,

How TQA Cloud Empowers Small Business HR Managers

Managing HR in a small business is no small feat. Between tracking employee training, ensuring compliance, and keeping comprehensive records, HR managers juggle a multitude of responsibilities. TQA Cloud simplifies these tasks by providing tools that streamline HR management, enhance employee development, and improve regulatory compliance—all while saving time. 1. Streamlined Employee Training Management TQA

Empowering Safety and Quality: The Crucial Role of Management in Cultivating Organizational Culture

Introduction Hey y’all, let’s dive deep today and really unpack the immense role that management plays in shaping the culture at work, particularly when it comes to safety and quality. It’s not just about the big decisions made in the boardroom. No, it’s about how those decisions translate on the ground, in the everyday hustle

Small Business Success in 2021 with Quality Assurance & Quality Management

Small Businesses have suffered so greatly in the economic shutdown of 2020 resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is NO surprise to anyone. The average business owner has little power to impact national policy and has little impact on turning the economic tides. So what is a small business owner supposed to do? Here is some

Understanding Document Control | ISO 9001:2015 clause 7.5 Documented Information

Document Control Clause 7.1 – 7.4 explained In order to properly understand Document Control, or as the standard references in a new broader sense “Documented Information,” we must first understand the clauses leading up to Documented Information in the standard.  Documented Information 7.5 is part of clause 7 the “Support” clause. Clause 7 builds on

What is an Interested Party Anyways…?

Interested Parties, what ISO 9001:2015 says The ISO 9001:2015 edition of the standard requires organizations to identify their interested parties and determine their impact on their ability to provide products and services that meet most all applicable requirements.  Most people at first read interested parties and think, “that’s just a bunch of fluff” or “we

Competence Training & Awareness – Tips & Tricks

Competence, Training, Awareness…. Organizational Knowledge too? When compared to the ISO 9001:2008 standard the requirement in ISO 9001:2015 is more heavily weighted towards Competence.  In facilities, where competence is often based on compliance to a WPS or ASNT training, along with standard common in house training such as Control of Nonconforming Outputs, some simple systems

Pillars of Excellence

When we started Texas Quality Assurance, we decided to build it similar to a Quality Management System.  We started with a Policy Statement, our mission statement. Our mission is to save folks time and energy for what matters most, be it that special project at the office or just getting home in time to see

ISO 9001 | Steps to Certification

What’s it take to get ISO 9001 Certified? I remember when I first set to getting ISO 9001 Certified, I just wanted a clear path, some sense of direction. Short version of my story, I was given an opportunity to get the company ISO 9001 Certified, ISO 45001 Certified, and ISO 14001 Certified, all in