Seven Quality Management Principles (ISO 9001:2015)

ISO 9001: Seven  Quality Management Principles Seven Quality Management Principles: Customer Focus There should be no surprise that Customer Focus is the first of the Quality Management Principles.  Everything about ISO 9001:2015 is centered between customer requirements and customer satisfaction.  We start in ISO 9001:2015 in Clause 5.1.2 Customer Focus with the requirement for leadership to demonstrate a commitment

Competence and Training | ISO 9001 | OSHA | ISO 14001

Competence and Training In general, the standard states that “Personnel……shall be competent…”, which is a bit of simple, isn’t it?  Perhaps not.  You must ensure everyone has been trained according to a pre-defined matrix of sorts, evaluate competence, and then ensure everyone has been trained according to the plan you set forth.  Very similar to

ISO 9001:2015 Integration

ISO 9001:2015 Top Management and the Quality Management Representative The ISO 9001:2015 Standard is missing a key aspect of its previous revisions. The influential and integral role of the Quality Management Representative (QMR) has been removed. Initially, the 2000 revision required a QMR, and since then, the entire system has been posed to function primarily

Benefits of ISO 9001

Benefits of ISO 9001 ISO 9001 Certification is suitable for small businesses that will benefit from utilizing a well-built and well implemented Quality Management Systems, such as TQA Cloud, that will save time and resources. Texas Quality Assurance provides ISO 9001 Certification Services for the greater Houston and surrounding areas. ISO 9001 is the internationally