#QualityMatters podcast sponsored by Texas Quality Assurance LLC and hosted by our very own Darci and Kyle Chambers. Darci and Kyle have long been fans of the work of Simon Sinek and of course “Start with Why“. Need less to say, his work has influenced a number of episodes on the #QualityMatters podcast. So be sure to tune in, check it out and get back to doing work that matters!

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Darci and Kyle discuss a few pages from Simon Sinek’s book Start with Why and specifically Top Down Leadership and its impact on corporate culture.  Among the topics discussed are Continental Airlines and their amazing turn around after filing for bankruptcy, loosing hundreds of millions of dollars, and churning through 10 CEO’s in 12 months.  It is truly an amazing, interesting and inspirational story, one well worth an additional read, so we’ve left a couple lines below if you are interested in learning more.

Ep 9 – Simon Sinek’s Start with Why & its Impact on Quality Management

Darci and Kyle discuss a small piece of an author who should need no introduction today, Simon Sinek and his groundbreaking book “Start with Why”.  Today we are only reading from one small but powerful piece, if you had a copy handy we are readying from Assume You Know paged 14 and 15.  Simon goes on to talk about how American automakers were astonished their Japanese counterparts were not required to test a door’s fit at the end of the assembly line, that there were simply designed from the start differently and better.  This small section encapsulates the entire PDCA “Plan Do Check Act” cycle for you non Quality Geeks out there.

Ep 79 – The Quality Matters Methodology – Part 1 Lessons Learned

“The Quality Matters Methodology” – a success model for the development, implementation and maintenance of quality management systems. Simple Lessons for you, your team and your process. Follow us on this journey as we relay The Quality Matters Methodology to you. We start by learning from the lessons of others before you. From Simon Sinek’s Start with Why an the idea of the Golden Circle to Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Jocko Willink’s Extreme Ownership and lessons from scripture and much much more.

Ep 58 – Leadership vs Management

The quality of the people you hire can not be stressed enough.  Your business should start with a meaningful mission statement, your why-to go back to Simon Sinek.  Once you have that, everything you do should coincide with your mission statement.  The people you hire should be able to subordinate their own feelings and values to your mission statement.  The management team should not only believe in but adhere to and spread your mission statement.  Every person in your company should know why you do what you do-that includes your customers.  As a leader, you have to mindful to live your mission statement daily, putting the first things first and encouraging your managers to do their job that way, as well.

Ep 54 – A Study on Starbucks

Starbucks started in 1971 and Howard Shultz joined in 1982 with the intent to make Starbucks the 3rd space, somewhere between work and home, but lets be honest, something has gone wrong since Shultz left in 2000.  In the 80’s and 90’s you could get a REAL ceramic cup, but you know nothing says stay and enjoy yourself like a paper cup that is too hot to touch.  What happened?  The chairs are sill there, but they are metal and scrape the floor, the tables are smaller, and the music is louder and well hippier (and yes that is now a word) to be honest.  Starbucks just isn’t quite that 3rd space it used to be. 

Ep 53 – What Gets Measured Gets Done

What Gets Measured Gets Done” that sums it up.  So what you measure matters.  Be aware that folks will sacrifice their time, their effort, and your customer’s time and effort, so be certain your measures that your people are held accountable to drive not just the results but the behaviors to get there while supporting your organizations WHY.

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