Seven Quality Management Principles (ISO 9001:2015)

ISO 9001: Seven  Quality Management Principles Seven Quality Management Principles: Customer Focus There should be no surprise that Customer Focus is the first of the Quality Management Principles.  Everything about ISO 9001:2015 is centered between customer requirements and customer satisfaction.  We start in ISO 9001:2015 in Clause 5.1.2 Customer Focus with the requirement for leadership to demonstrate a commitment

Competence and Training | ISO 9001 | OSHA | ISO 14001

Competence and Training In general, the standard states that “Personnel……shall be competent…”, which is a bit of simple, isn’t it?  Perhaps not.  You must ensure everyone has been trained according to a pre-defined matrix of sorts, evaluate competence, and then ensure everyone has been trained according to the plan you set forth.  Very similar to

ISO 9001:2015 Integration

ISO 9001:2015 Top Management and the Quality Management Representative The ISO 9001:2015 Standard is missing a key aspect of its previous revisions. The influential and integral role of the Quality Management Representative (QMR) has been removed. Initially, the 2000 revision required a QMR, and since then, the entire system has been posed to function primarily